
The cleaning results of your cleaning system are influenced by many different factors. There are different types of 清洗剂 和 a wide range of cleaning technology 和 system concepts. 为了帮助您根据您的清洁任务和要求选择正确的清洁技术,我们使用您的生产线上的受污染部件进行清洁试验 测试中心.

零件清洗的Ecoclean知识库是工业清洗技术的参考书和各种指南 清洗剂, 清洗过程清洁系统.





Ecoclean为所有领域的湿式化学清洗提供解决方案. 是否使用水性清洁剂, 环境友好型碳氢化合物和改性酒精, 氯化烃或创新极性溶剂, 结果总是一样的——对各种污染进行可靠的清洗!

Growing dem和s on the quality of components requires increasingly complex solutions for industrial cleaning. 拥有创新的标准解决方案和个性化定制的清洁系统, Ecoclean符合工业清洁的国际标准,包括机械部件的生产, 航空和航天飞行, 医疗技术, 食品工业, 电子及实验室设备.


  • 汽车系统(e).g. 喷射,刹车和转向系统,涡轮增压器等.)
  • 质量分量(e).g. 车削、铣削、紧固件、液压等.)
  • 非金属部件(如.g. 橡胶、陶瓷、塑料等.)
  • 飞机和军事部件(e.g. 发动机和涡轮部件)
  • 精密部件(e).g. 医疗、光学、工具、薄涂层、精密机械等.)



Fine 清洁系统 using multi-stage immersion-type ultrasonic cleaning lines for the medical, 光学, 精细机械和涂料行业. 所有设备都符合基材清洁度的最高标准. 复杂的模块化设计使这些系统具有成本效益,并可根据任何应用和要求进行单独定制.

UCM (a member of the Ecoclean Group) provides a fitting solution for every application:

  • 精密工程(e). g. 机械零件、飞机、汽车、钟表、珠宝等行业)
  • 医疗技术(e). g. 植入物、手术器械、套管等.)
  • 精密光学(e). g. 镜片、镜子、棱镜、面罩)
  • PVD/CVD涂料行业(如. g. 硬质合金刀具、汽车零部件、夹具)



In accordance with the special requirements of automobile manufacturers 和 their suppliers, Ecoclean开发和生产大型和中型系列零件的水基清洁和去毛刺系统, 比如动力系统中使用的那些. With flexible robotic cells 和 using our own in-house technology centers for innovative cleaning technology, 我们调整不同的程序,以完美地适应每个单独的清洁任务.

汽车和商用车的质量和运行可靠性从根本上取决于其各个部件的清洁度. The 清洁系统 are therefore customized according to specific customers’ needs.


  • 汽车发动机 & 传动部件(e).g. 气缸盖、曲轴、凸轮轴、齿轮、壳体等.)
  • 汽车系统(e).g. 喷射,刹车和转向系统,涡轮增压器等.汽车结构部件(底盘、车身、滑块等.)
  • 飞机和军事部件(e.g. 发动机和涡轮部件)



我们的365betapp下载部门提供表面粗化设备, 激活, 剥离, de-coring, 除锈, 油漆剥离, 蒸汽清洗和空腔保存.


  • 汽车发动机 & 传动部件(e).g. 气缸盖、曲轴、凸轮轴、齿轮、壳体等.)
  • 汽车系统(e).g. 喷射,刹车和转向系统,涡轮增压器等.)
  • 汽车结构部件(底盘、车身、滑块等.)
  • 质量分量(e).g. 车削、铣削、紧固件、液压等.)
  • 非金属部件(如.g. 橡胶、陶瓷、塑料等.)
  • 飞机和军事部件(e.g. 发动机和涡轮部件)





在当今工业清洗技术中,环保型水基清洗在零件的中间和最终清洗中占有最重要的地位. 水基清洁剂包括碱性、中性和酸性清洁剂. 如果需要大量清洗和/或必须进行精细和精密的清洗,则优选它们.

Alkaline agents with a pH value >7 are most frequently used for surface cleaning in the metal processing industry. 它们不仅能去除油脂等有机污染物, 油和蜡, 还有金属碎片和污垢等无机残留物. Strongly alkaline cleaners are more effective for removing organic contaminants than weaker alkaline cleaners.

The pH-value of acidic cleaners is <6. 它们能有效地溶解无机污染物.g. 金属箔条, pigments 和 dust) 和 in the same way clean up metallic surface oxides– particularly rust 和 scale.

中性清洁剂的ph值一般在6到9之间. 它们用于钢的清洁和脱脂, 铸铁, 轻金属合金, 有色金属重金属, 玻璃, 陶瓷和塑料. Neutral cleaners are not generally as effective as alkaline cleaners for degreasing. For this reason 和 to achieve the required level of cleanliness we integrate mechanical applications, 如超声波或注水冲洗, 进入系统.

为了确保材料的兼容性,我们对水基清洁剂的许多不同的清洗系统进行了测试清洗,包括流动喷雾装置, 以及我们测试中心的单室和多室清洗系统.



清洁 with chlorinated solvents is one of the classic processes in industrial parts cleaning. 成功是基于以下特点:

  • 优异的脱脂作用
  • 低表面张力
  • 零件快速干燥
  • 无闪点

避免健康和环境风险,,the use of chlorinated hydrocarbons is controlled by the 2nd Federal Emission Protection Regulation (BImSchV). This requires cleaning to take place in a closed system 和 for the extraction area only to be re-opened when the solvent concentration has fallen to below <1 gm per cubic centimeter of air.

拥有无与伦比的, 综合风量置换法(PLV), , 我们提供了一种特别高效和环保的系统,用于完全无空气运行的氯化碳氢化合物清洁系统,无需活性炭过滤器.  这对用户来说有很多好处:

  • 更低的运营成本
  • 溶剂稳定剂用量低
  • 无系统停机

The 2nd BImschV has approved the use of the chlorinated hydrocarbons perchlorethylen, 三氯乙烯和二氯甲烷.. 三氯乙烯自2002年起被列为致癌物,因此必须尽可能找到替代品(替代品要求).

由于他们的设计多阶段的过程-清洗, 冲洗, steam degreasing 和 drying – they are also suitable for fine 和 precision cleaning tasks.



当谈到非卤化溶剂用于零件清洗时, 通常使用碳氢化合物这个术语. 最佳清洁性能, 优异的环境兼容性和低运行成本使其成为工业清洗系统中氯化溶剂的有吸引力的替代品.

In some cases these hydrocarbons are flammable 和 are used for flash points higher than 55°C. Extra protection measures are not necessary if the solvent is being used at temperatures at least 15°C below the flash point; in the event of higher application temperatures, 使用适当的真空可以排除爆炸的危险.

Hydrocarbon 清洁系统 from Ecoclean have been successfully used for many years, 在某些情况下,用于极其苛刻的清洁任务, 适用于精细、精密的清洗环境. The single chamber 清洁系统 are designed for a multi-stage cleaning process – cleaning, 冲洗, 蒸汽脱脂和真空干燥.



本着“以毒攻毒”的原则, 非极性污染物,如油和油脂,最好使用非极性清洁剂,如氯代烃和非卤化烃. 与极性污染物,如盐和乳液, 另一方面, 使用水性溶剂可以达到最佳的清洁效果, 它们是高度极性的.

Between these are a number of cleaning tasks for which polar solvents are available. 这些单组分溶剂特别适合于乳剂, 天然油脂及混合杂质.





清洁 without liquid agents is often used as an intermediate or pre-cleaning step. 它用于去除可能干扰后续过程的污染物,例如安装轴承支架或阀座.

用干洗法, vacuum or compressed air is used to remove adhering contaminants from the workpieces. The process is designed to remove chippings, oil or emulsion without 冲洗 the workpiece.

用压缩空气法将污染物从表面吹走. In the vacuum cleaning technology version the contaminants are sucked off abruptly over a st和ing vacuum.   The advantage of these two methods is that no heat is introduced into the workpiece, 因此,无需干燥和冷却. 结果是, this process can easily be integrated into any mechanical manufacturing line as a cost-effective process.

高压清洗 & 去毛刺


高压水清洗通常在约. 300 - 700条. 不用说, 高于或低于这些压力的应用也存在, 但这里就不详细描述了.

为了安全去除在机械加工过程中可能产生的毛刺,可能需要高压清洗和/或高压去毛刺 . 铝件的压力约为300巴,而钢件或铸件的压力可达700巴.

高压清洗或高压去毛刺去除关键区域松散粘附的毛刺,并将其冲洗掉. 在这种压力下不能去除的毛刺称为根毛刺. 高压清洗或高压去毛刺的另一个应用是去除铸件中的砂渣.

高压清洗也可以在较低的压力下进行. The aim is to remove 和 flush away stubborn contamination on the workpiece surface (e.g.、积碳、焊渣或水垢). The pressures used depend highly on the type of contamination 和 will normally be determined by testing.



在几乎所有的清洗系统中,需要预先清洗的部件被碎屑和油或乳液严重污染. The purpose of the operation is to remove most of the adhering contaminents in a first step.

Injection flood washing will generally be selected as the first step in the overall process. 它是使用通用的i来执行的.e. 相对于零件的非目标喷嘴阵列.

水流在3到15巴的压力下施加. 这可以用分流或固体射流喷嘴来实现. 实现了高体积流量, 配合水下喷嘴的布置, 即使是最复杂的工件,也能确保出色的腔体穿透.



Workpieces with a complex geometrical shape such as blind holes 和 undercuts are usually cleaned by immersion. In contrast to spray cleaning which is carried out predominantly with water-based agents, 采用溶剂进行浸洗,取得了圆满成功.

当工件浸入清洗浴时, the dirt adhering to its surface is removed primarily by the chemical cleaning action of the medium. 取决于应用程序, an ultrasound or injection flood washing stage may be 添加ed to intensify the cleaning performance.



层流箱在外壳盖上使用,以便在系统的“最清洁”区域实现空气中尽可能少的颗粒. 这些箱体通常安装在从最后一个升降水槽到干燥机和卸载位置,以确保最高的部件清洁度. 层流箱是洁净室应用的一个典型元素,允许清洗设备直接“停靠”到洁净室.



慢慢地“拉”组件从最后和最干净的水槽与直接冲洗. The surface tension is used by the water in order to expel the parts as dry as possible from the medium. 在这个过程中, the deionised water must be absolutely "gas-free" 和 as low in particle as possible. 提升式 is a necessary part of the system in many industries especially in precision optics.



振荡是当产品浸入介质中时,在保证零件上最佳的液体交换的同时,零件的提升. In 添加ition, particles are swept away from the component surface during oscillation.



脉动压力清洗(PPC)是指过程腔内的压力, 哪个是填充清洁介质的, 在短时间间隔内减少然后再次增加. 这为清理组件创建了两个效果:

剩余的空气被抽走,产生负压. 这导致组件中的空气膨胀. 如果房间现在通风, 组件中的空气再次收缩并将介质吸入组件(e).g. 毛细管结构). 通过循环地重复这个过程, areas can be cleaned 和 rinsed where it would otherwise be difficult for liquid medium to reach.

2) Another cleaning effect occurs when the pressure in the working chamber is reduced until vapor bubbles form. 压力的迅速增加(高于蒸汽压)会迅速阻止这一沸腾过程,蒸汽泡也会崩溃. 这些压力变化是反复运行的. 当气泡在组件表面形成时, the medium is displaced; when the bubble collapses, 介质流到这些点并去除污垢. The pressure change in the liquid medium is independent of the component geometry, i.e. 气泡的形成也发生在有盖/阴影的区域(如.g. 空洞(钻孔),所以气泡也在这里形成.



蒸汽脱脂在氯化或非卤化碳氢化合物清洗系统的封闭工作室内进行. 它适用于去除包括油在内的许多污染物, 来自轻度污染部件的油脂和乳液.

溶剂被加热到沸点,产生的溶剂蒸气被导向待清洗的部件. 热蒸汽和冷组分之间的温差使工件表面的溶剂凝结, 是什么导致了纯溶剂冷凝的漂洗作用.



喷雾清洗是大多数清洗系统中典型的清洗过程. The kinetic energy of the spray jet improves the action of the cleaning chemicals used, 去除工件表面的污染物.

喷雾清洗在大多数工业清洗系统中使用. 一般或精确应用的压力在2到20bar之间. Above this range the process will commonly be referred to as high-pressure cleaning, 但从一种到另一种的转变是流动的.

清洁 results depend on how accurately the nozzles are directed at the surface being cleaned. 在精确流体应用中尤其如此. 清洗深孔或攻丝盲孔需要有针对性地使用流体. 零件与喷嘴之间的相对运动可以改善效果.

当谈到达到特别高的清洁标准时, a general spraying process may also be used as the final step in the cleaning process. 任何仍然附着在表面的顽固小颗粒都将被冲走.



超声波清洗 is a method that can result in unsurpassed levels of cleanliness.

要清洗的部件在特定的清洗液中进行超声波处理. The ultrasonic generator is attached to the side wall or bottom of the cleaning bath.

超声波清洗的清洗作用是基于空化效应:振动在流体中产生微小的空化气泡,这些气泡会破裂, creating strong currents 和 turbulence that  "blast" the contaminant particles off the parts to be cleaned. 为清洁的有效性, 规则是频率越低, 空化气泡越大,释放的能量越高.

采用超声波清洗, 例如, 在精密机械中, 电气和电子组装和电加工之前.

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